2024 Electronica
Join us at Hall A3.138 from Nov. 12-15, 2024
Electronica | Trade Fair Center Messe München -
[Video] Wearable CO2 Detector with Metronome
ZGM01 is ideal for CO2 detection and rhythm tempo in your life. -
[Video] Fast Screen Thermal Imaging Thermometer
Fast Screen Thermal Imaging Thermometer
Epidemic prevention in entrance -
why choose us
Monitor the Invisible
ZyAura is new branch of Radiantek, established in 2000.
We use IR-SoC (Infrared System On Chip) and Dual Beam NDIR technology to design Gas Monitor monitoring. And develop ultra low cost CO2 monitors for your and everyone's needs.
ZyAura starts to deliver CO2 Monitor (in July 2007), as our first Gas Monitor Product. Base on our new IRSoC, auto calibration production line, We guareentee lowest price for NDIR Dual Channel Gas Monitor, with same accuracy level.